How to prevent and eliminate shoe odour

Here are some simple tips and tricks to keep your children's shoes free from bad smells.

Let's start with the causes of bad odour

Always running and playing, these little ones never sit still! The bad smell in shoes can have several causes, but the main one is the accumulation of sweat. Feet, even the tiniest ones, have sweat glands that release sweat to keep the skin cool and healthy. When sweat accumulates in shoes, it creates a warm, humid environment, ideal for bacteria growth. These bacteria break down the sweat and produce that unpleasant and characteristic "cheese smell".

Why Does Sweat Accumulate?

Here are the key reasons, some are due to the shoe itself, and others are due to how we use them:

  • Shoe materials: Some materials, such as plastic, do not allow good ventilation, so the sweat cannot evaporate. That is why it is advisable to pay attention to the quality of the materials when buying shoes for your children, whether for summer or winter.
  • Using the right footwear: Shoes that are too tight make feet sweat more because air cannot circulate inside the shoe.
  • Prolonged use: Wearing the same shoes for many hours every day also contributes to bad odour because they do not have a chance to air out.
  • Inadequate hygiene: Lack of foot hygiene can increase the number of bacteria present, worsening the bad odour problem. But hygiene and care of the shoes themselves are also necessary. Not cleaning and drying shoes properly after use also contributes to moisture and microorganism buildup.

Avoid odours in your shoes

How Do We Get Rid of the Bad Smell in Our Favourite Shoes?

The most important thing is prevention. Here are some practical tips to prevent sweat accumulation:

  • Choose the right footwear: Opt for shoes made of natural and breathable materials such as linen and cotton in summer and leather in winter, whether animal or high-quality vegan leather. These materials allow sweat to evaporate and not accumulate.
  • Wear appropriate socks: Cotton or natural material socks that absorb moisture help keep feet dry. Avoid buying synthetic material socks for your little ones that do not allow perspiration.
  • Rotate footwear: It is advisable not to wear the same shoes every day and to let them air out for at least 24 hours before wearing them again.
  • Daily foot hygiene: Wash your children's feet daily with soap and water, and make sure to dry them well, especially between the toes.

Homemade Methods to Eliminate Bad Smells

If prevention has not worked, there are several homemade methods that can effectively help eliminate the bad smell from your shoes:

  • Tea leaves: Place a few dry tea leaves inside the shoes and let them sit overnight. Tea leaves absorb moisture and neutralise odours.
  • Baking soda: Sprinkle baking soda inside the shoes and let it sit overnight. Baking soda is an excellent odour neutraliser and helps absorb moisture. Then remove it by shaking the shoes or using a vacuum cleaner to remove any residue.
  • Aromatic herbs: Place sachets with sprigs of aromatic herbs such as lavender, mint, or rosemary inside the shoes. These herbs not only eliminate bad smells but also leave a pleasant aroma.
  • White vinegar: Mix one part white vinegar with one part water and spray this solution inside the shoes. Let them air dry. Vinegar has antibacterial properties and prevents the growth of odour-causing microbes.
  • Freeze the shoes: Put them completely dry in a freezer bag and then in the freezer for a few hours or overnight. It may seem surprising, but extreme temperatures also kill bacteria and fungi. However, you will need to let them thaw before wearing them again.

Avoid odours in your shoes

Other Commercial Products

Homemade and natural methods are undoubtedly the best option to consider because they are also environmentally friendly; but when the bad smell in shoes is persistent and does not go away, there are several very effective commercial products available to combat it, such as:

  • Specific deodorants: In extreme cases and especially in teenagers, it may be advisable to use deodorants for shoes and insoles.
  • Deodorising insoles: Deodorising insoles are made of materials that absorb moisture and neutralise odours. They also provide an additional layer of comfort for the feet.
  • Deodorising bags: These bags contain materials such as activated charcoal or silica gel that absorb moisture and odours. Place them inside the shoes when not in use.

Avoid odours in your shoes

Keeping your children's shoes free of bad odour is possible with a combination of prevention, proper hygiene, and some homemade tricks. Remember to choose the right footwear, wear moisture-absorbing socks, and allow the shoes to air out properly. If the bad smell persists, try some of the mentioned homemade methods or use specific commercial products to eliminate bad odours. With these tips, your children's shoes will always be impeccable.


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